Samsung Epic 4G is being viewed by the analysts as the best smartphone available today. The phone comes with Sprint’s data plan $69. It is a. 4g phone (If you are in the coverage areas) and it also has Android OS, considered as the best OS on the market today.
However, if you are looking for the disadvantages of this phone, it can be said that its 4g coverage is not everywhere. Thus, you will be paying extra $10 per month for nothing if you are in one of the non-4g areas. At the same time, you are still saving $50 plus dollars a month compared to AT&T or Verizon.
Some experts say that Samsung Epic 4G is the bulkiest of the Galaxy S phones and also the priciest. It also requires a costly data plan. But some people say that they like this phone as they can save a total of $1,800 a year because they can got rid of iPhone, which people take more of an entertainment phone, than an organization phone.
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