Saturday, September 11, 2010

Apple iPod Nano Wristwatch?

With so many of you purchasing the Apple iPod Nano, there is now something quite unique that may be of interest to you. The iPod Nano Wristwatch! If you are sitting there, the same as I have wondering how this will possibly work then wonder no more. Apple are already using this new concept.

According to Dave Freeman at CrunchGear, it seems that the wristwatch works when a band is fed through the nano clip making your iPod into the watch. For now as with any new gadget, there are positive and negatives. At this stage, reports indicate that the latter may be the case.

The battery life is not adequate enough as currently the battery is only good for 8-10 hours of constant use. Therefore, the battery would have to be charged continuously. Secondly, the iPod nano would not be water resistant and thirdly, the watch may be too large for some people. Problems could occur for some users when earphones are plugged into the watch, wires that were once allowed to run freely would then get tangled up!

Via :

I think the idea to convert the nano into a watch is a good one, but at this stage I feel there may be some issues surrounding it. CrunchGear reported on the “Maratac” watch which will set you back $17.

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