Monday, September 13, 2010

Contour announces 1080p ContourGPS helmetcam, lets friends locate your extreme exploits (video)

When it comes to the high-end helmetcam game, GoPro and Contour seem to have the market cornered. Contour was first to bring 1080p to your headgear of choice, and now it's the first to add GPS in to the mix. (GoBandit started talking about doing the same back in February, but we're still waiting on that to become a reality.) The $349 ContourGPS still offers the same video specs as the $279 ContourHD 1080p we reviewed this time last year, but now when sharing your videos you can also embed a real-time map view. Read on for more details, and a look at the UI.

Built on Google Maps, Contour will launch a ContourGPS community where users can upload videos. When embedded those videos will display the position, altitude, and speed next to the footage so that friends can find their way to the same bunny slope you were shredding with the nĂ¼ metal backing track, or calculate just how long it took you to hit terminal velocity after taking that first big step out of a perfectly good airplane. GPS coordinates are captured at 1hz intervals -- too slow for perfectly accurate lap times at the track, but good enough for most outdoor pursuits.

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