Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Nokia N8: Available from 23 September

The Nokia N8's release has had more delays than a Circle Line train during rush hour, but it seems as if Nokia itself has spilled the beans on its official release date with a Google Ad Word space detailing its availability.

NokNok, a Nokia based blog, has got hold of a screenshot showing that the flagship Nokia phone will be available in the UK, directly from the Finnish phone giant on 23 September - with the advert saying this is a week ahead of a general release.

There's no price details unfortunately, but independent sites like have the device listed for around £420 - £480 unlocked.

The Nokia N8 has a 3.5-inch, 640 x 360, capacitive touchscreen, is capable of 3G, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity, has 16GB on board storage which is expandable by microSD and also has a Micro-USB socket

It also boasts a whopping 12 megapixels, with Carl Zeiss lens, auto-focus and Xenon flash. It's also capable of shooting 25fps 720p video, encoded to H.264.

The N8 is a Symbian^3 device and Nokia will hope that it is the device that gets it back on track in the smartphone market.

Excited by the N8 or is it all a bit, meh? Give us your thoughts below.

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