Saturday, October 16, 2010

Samsung Galaxy Tab Is Available At Orange For Points

Samsung Galaxy Tab is a succesful tablet and it seems that many people said that Samsung Galaxy Tab is much better than Apple iPad.From now you can buy the new Samsung Galaxy Tab from Orange for points.Samsung Galaxy Tab is expected to reach more than one operator, namely two, Vodafone and Orange.The page that was open until a few hours has been disabled, but will be available again in the coming hours, at least that creemos.Those who are working on it and so the points program management functions not specific to a few hours .I like the new Samsung Galaxy Tab very much.

I think that Orange will have succes with Samsung Galaxy Tab.Only available in the section freelancers and companies (practitioners), but is expected to reach 5,850 points soon clientes.Con can get from 0 euros, while only 800 points if you have to pay about 399 euros.If we consider that 1 point is 1 euro, the amount payable would be about 5,850 euros or what is it, a real barbaridad.Tendremos to see what price free will, although we assume it will be around 700-800 euros .Samsung Galaxy Tab is a great tablet and I think that is not so expensive.Samsung Galaxy Tab is much better than Apple iPad.

Via : dropnews

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