Friday, October 29, 2010

Slumping Wii, DS sales hit Nintendo's earnings

Nintendo has endured an extremely difficult six months.

The game company lost 2.01 billion yen, or about $24.6 million, during the six months ended on September 30. During the same period last year, it generated a profit of about of about 69.5 billion yen. Revenue for the six-month period just ended was over 363 billion yen, representing a steep decline from the 548 billion yen revenue Nintendo posted during the same period in 2009.

Although sales are slumping, Nintendo said that a key reason for the steep decline in its financials can be attributed to the strength of the yen. According to The Wall Street Journal, the currency's appreciation over the past year has helped slice about 28.1 billion yen from its revenue.

But the Wii and the DS aren't helping matters either. Nintendo says it sold 6.69 million DS units during the six-month period just ended. During the same span in 2009, it sold 11.7 million DS units around the world. The company shipped 4.97 million Wii units between April and September, down from the 5.75 million Wii consoles it shipped last year.

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