Thursday, October 21, 2010

Telegraph Fashion App for Windows Phone 7

Enjoy the best of the Telegraph's fashion writing, shopping tips and picture galleries brought to you in association with Microsoft's new mobile phone operating system, Windows Phone 7.

The brand new operating system features a home screen which includes hubs and live tiles: icons that give you the latest information, such as emails received or messages from social networking sites.

It also gives you instant access to your apps, including Telegraph Fashion - an official launch partner with Windows Phone 7 - for all the latest from the catwalk to the high street.

The app offers fashion News and Features, Picture Galleries, Hot Topics and our ‘I Spied’ section of must-buy clothes, as well as Beauty News and columns by the Telegraph's top fashion writers including Hilary Alexander, our Fashion Director.

Telegraph Fashion is available in Marketplace - the app hub on your Windows Phone 7 mobile.

To get the app:

  • Visit Marketplace.
  • Select 'Applications'.
  • Search for Telegraph Fashion.
  • Press 'Buy' twice to confirm your purchase (the app is free - you are just downloading it).

Via : telegraph

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