Monday, August 2, 2010

Q2 Numbers Are In, Smartphone Shipments Grow 64% Worldwide, Android 886%

Now that Q2 figures are in, analysts at Canalys have taken a deeper comprehensive look to compile figures related to smartphone sales worldwide.

In total, smartphone shipments increased 64% worldwide compared to Q2 2009, with the U.S smartphone market growing by 41% year over year. Most interesting was Android-specific numbers.

Device shipments sporting Android have increased an impressive 886% since Q2 2009, and in the U.S., Android represented 34% of the smartphones sold- an increase of 851%. Not surprising, the U.S. is the largest smartphone market in the world with 14.7M units sold during Q2 alone.

In terms of U.S. market share, RIM had 32.1% of smartphone sales in Q2, Apple had 21.7%, HTC had 14.4% and “others” accounted for 31.8%.

iPhone shipments grew 61% during the past year, slower than the 64% total segment growth, but enough to put it right behind RIM as the third best selling platform with 13% for the quarter.

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