Monday, October 18, 2010

Angry Birds Full Version Free Download goes past 1million in just 1 Day: Android app users welcome Rovio with glee!

Angry Birds is now out on Android and those fuming little things have set the Android app platform on fire by making their way into over a million handsets in just one day. It is more trouble for pigs, as now they get beaten down on millions of android-based mobiles across the globe.

Rovio must be really happy with what they have as their full version of Angry Birds on Android surely set a new record by reaching the 1 million download mark in less than a day. It seems that both users and Rovio are delighted with the ‘fighting feathers’ on Google’s Mobile Operating System. The announcement came on Twitter (The hottest way to make official announcements these days). Rovio has already sold over 6.5 million copies of Angry Birds on Apple’s iOS platform.

Priced at $.99 for the iPhone and $1.99 for the iPad, Rovio has made plenty by selling Angry Birds on the iOS platform already and with the million-plus free copies already out on Android, it shows the potential of both Android as a popular mobile OS for major launches and also Rovio’s ability to keep customers happy and loyal.

Via : devicemag

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