Monday, October 18, 2010

Apple May Launch Mini MacBook Air Next Week

There are strong rumors that Apple will be introducing their new smaller MacBook Air by next week. Sources reported that the price will be significantly lower than the current MacBook price ($1499).

Though the exact dimensions are not known, new new Mini MacBook Air is described as “smaller and sleeker” by the company. The current rumor says that it will about 11.6 inches or will be in between 9.7 and 13.3 inches (slightly more than an iPad). According to the sources the new Air will be using an older version of Intel’s core processor with Nvidia MCP89 chipset rather than the new core i5/i7 chips, which is used in MacBook pro models.

The New Mini MacBook Air will have a longer battery life as well. It is not confirmed whether the Air will have an “instant-on” capability

Via : hardgeek

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