Friday, October 8, 2010

HTC Sense web services for Desire HD and Z go live

Alongside the new Desire HD and Desire Z handsets, HTC last month also revealed a new online suite of web services to accompany their latest Android smartphones. Tying into the Sense UI, has now gone live, allowing Z and HD owners to tinker with their phones remotely.

Plenty of nifty security and cloud-based features can be accessed through Data stored on the phones can be erased or transferred to cloud storage, SMS messages can be synced and searched, a ringtone can be set to locate lost phones, GPS data can be used to track down stolen handsets and there's even a "self-destruct" button that bricks the phone should you know it's gone for good.

However the service is only compatible with the new Desire HD and Desire Z handsets. This may change, but no announcement concerning older handsets has yet been made.

Via : techdigest

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