Friday, October 1, 2010

Samsung discontinuing Symbian support as of December this year

Samsung has laconically announced that it would discontinue Symbian support at the end of this year (December 31, 2010).

This pretty much means we won’t see any new Samsung Symbian smartpohnes in the future.

In other words, although the company is still a board member of the Symbian Foundation, Samsung is ditching Symbian – like we’ve heard before – thus its last Symbian smartphone will likely remain the Omnia HD i8910 (pictured below).

Naturally, Samsung’s smartphone efforts will concentrate on Android, Bada OS and Windows Phone 7 from now on.

Sony Ericssson seems to be uninterested in Symbian, too, this leaving Nokia as the only important handset maker to bring us smartphones based on Symbian^3, Symbian^4, and future iterations of the refreshed OS.

Via : unwiredview

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