Thursday, January 27, 2011

Verizon Bold 9650, Curve 3G getting BlackBerry 6 OS update today

Owners of the BlackBerry Bold 9650 and Curve 3G 9330 on Sprint have been enjoying the shiny new BlackBerry 6 OS for almost a month now, but today Verizon's customers can get in on the fun, too. RIM just issued a press release stating that both the Bold 9650 and Curve 3G will be receiving BB 6 starting today. The update will be available as an over the air download beginning at 8:00 PM EST. Customers can also install the upgrade using the BlackBerry Desktop Manager software. Check out RIM's statement below.

Even if Verizon is about a month behind their biggest CDMA competitor when it comes to the BlackBerry 6 upgrade, I'm sure the owners of those handsets are just excited to finally be upgraded to the latest version of RIM's OS. Bold 9650 and Curve 3G owners, be sure to come back and let us know when you install the update. We want to hear your experiences!

Via : phonedog

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