Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Windows Phone 7 Channel9 Application

Channel9 is a Microsoft community site featuring videos, podcasts and screencasts including interviews with Microsoft developers about their products, discussion, and a wiki, all for the purpose of promoting conversations among Microsoft's customers.

We continue to show you Windows Phone 7 apps that developers are coding and releasing and today we take a look at myChannel9 application - from the developer of Wall Street, a Windows Phone 7 Stock application - which is a program for the upcoming Windows Phone 7 platform which you can use to view Channel9 on your Windows Phone 7 device.

The application features News & fresh videos, Shows, Tags, Favorites and Search with the looks you've got use to by now and a nice feature allowing the app to view videos posted on Channel9 right on your Device, even full screened, landscape. Check some screenshots below as well as a video demo of the application which, according to the developer, will have the source released soon!

Via : pocketnow.com

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